Thursday, September 29, 2011

" Desert Island Books" by Cécile

Cécile, a student was interviewed in the programme " Desert Island Books". She likes dancing, cats, Art, going out with friends and reading books.

She think her parents and her grandparents encourage her to be interested in books, in accordance with her age. Her preferences are Romantism, Symbolism and the absurde.

She chose "Les Fleurs du Mal" de Charles Baudelaire because, if she must go to a desert island with one book only, she would read the poems again and again. In one world the book is for her enchantment, bewitching. She said the book is : "the beautiful rest of the genius Baudelaire, of his boheme life, with loves and angers". She said she she finds in the poems a wonderful poetry, a emotion, and she loves it.

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