Thursday, September 29, 2011

Desert Island Books by Sophie

Maël Permal is from Fontenay-aux-Roses, close to Paris. She likes hanging out with her friends in Paris and is keen on cinema. If she had to choose between all the books she read, she would take The Stranger by Albert Camus away on a desert island.
The Stranger is the story of an unknown character who goes to jail after killing a man. Maël read it during the summer holidays and loved it. What really caught her attention was the character's conception of life : "It is so special. He's a lonely guy : to his mind, being alone allows us to think about humanity." This vision of loneliness is adapted to the context of a desert island. Besides, Maël really identified with the main character. After reading it, she talked about it with her friends who were also thrilled by Camus' book. "I would recommend it to anyone. It is a fabulous experience" she said. Unfortunately, Maël hasn't read other books by Camus : "But I'd love to read The Plague, Caligula and Sisyphe's Myth."
As the interview ended, we asked Maël for a last word : "As Schopenhauer would say : "The one who does not like being alone does not like freedom either, because we are only free when we are alone"."

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