Friday, September 30, 2011

Desert Island Books by Rim

Desert Island Books is a famous radio program in which a person is asked about his taste in literature, the books he/she likes, but most important which one would he/she take to a desert island.
Our first guest is Rim, a high school student of sixteen and a half, living in Bagneux (near Paris) and fond of books and cinema. She accepted to answer a few questions about her likes and dislikes in literature and of course the main one: "What book would you take on a desert Island".
The first question, a classic one, was "What is you favourite book ever?", which she answered without any doubts "Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen, a romantic story but also a critic of the society from that century and women's condition. Then she enumerated her favourite writers: Jane Austen, The Brontë Sisters, Elizabeth Gaskell, Oscar Wilde, Leon Tolstoï and Charles Dickens. The journalist also asked her about the kind of stories that she usually read: " Most of the time realistic and romantic stories, but I also like a little bit of fantasy, like Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings". Her favourite place to read is her room, because it's calm and she feels like she can really get involved in the storyline. Finally she explained that she would take "Pride and Prejudice" to a Desert Island, because she loves the characters and even if they are from a completely different time she can totally relate to them and it's also a story she knows she's never gonna be tired of.

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