Friday, October 7, 2011

The Desert Island Book by Julien

Today in our show we received a very prestigious guest : Antoine Pacquier.

Antoine was born in Paris on June 26th 1995. He lives in Bagneux with his father, mother and brother. His brother is 13 years old.
Antoine traveled a lot, he has gone to Greece and Germany (last year with his highschool), to the Canaries and Spain.
Antoine, in the future, would like to be a hobo or a chief executive.
To go to the lost island, Antoine has chosen to take L'étranger of Albert Camus.
This book tells the story of a man who killed some people; he's in prison and thinks about his life.
Antoine likes a phrase about this book "a man can't live just one day".
He read this book the first week of Summer's holiday, in 3 days.

We thank Antoine for this very informative interview and wish him good luck. Thank you for your attention and see you soon. It was Julien Sanchez in Desert Island Book.

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