Sunday, October 2, 2011


Desert Island Books is the famous radio programme in which a person is questionned on her tastes in literature by a journalist. One of our journalists interviewed Mathilde, to know her tastes and favorites books.
First, the journalist began to ask what was the first book which she has ever read, and she gave the name of the novel The old man and the sea, by the famous writer Ernest Hemingway. She likes this novel because she agrees with author's thought, what he wanted to communicate and share with his reader. In her view, her tastes, in literature, are growing with time because now, she is interrested in a lot of different novels (classics, drama, …): " I stopped reading Oui-Oui & Co". When the journalist asked her, which writer she would like to meet, she answered Daniel Pennac, because she likes him so much ! To her, if she had to a desert island, she would decide to take the novel Rubinson Crusoe, because thanks to it, she would survive with nature on this desert island.
Finally, to conclude, she prefers classics novels and detective stories. One thing is sure: she loves literature !

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