Sunday, October 2, 2011

Desert Island Books, by Laura

Her name is Mathilde and she doesn't have a favourite book, but she likes The Old Man in the Sea by Ernest Hemingway. It's the first "serious" novel that she read. She doesn't think she would take it to a Desert Island because she prefers saving her life and so she would take Robinson Crusoe to know how to survive. The book she ashamed to like is The Little Prince by Saint Exupéry. If she was a writer, she would like to write Mer Anarchy, but she woulden't write Figaro's Wedding. If she were a character in a book, she would be Benjamin Malaussène in the novel by Daniel Pennac, but she woulden't be Pauline in Pauline. Finaly, she recommends The Picture of Dorian's Gray.

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