Thursday, October 6, 2011

Presentation of Hair Today, No Her Tomorrow

"Hair Today, No Her Tomorrow is a poem" written in 1988 by Brian Patten, a Liverpool Poet.
The text is from the book Storm Damage, it's about love, cheating and unfaithfulness.
His work is composed of four stanzas, lines are short and there are many repetitions such as " I said [...] she said" at the end of lines.
The poem shows a couple who is quarelling about... a hair !
In fact, the woman found a black hair on their bed. She thought her husband was cheating on her and she told him she also cheated on him, although it was false.
He replied, it was cat's hair and asked her to go even if she admitted not to have deceived him.
... Because he really did and the cat was white !

I've appreciated a lot this poem, it's humorous and nice !
Brian Patten writes about a couple's life and he isn't growing more attractive by saying they're in love.
The punch line unexpected and original !
It's realistic and it can happen to anyone and it's true, and it shows you how stupid we are in these cases.

Marie-Sandra COUDERT.

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