Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Desert Island Books

Interview of Marie Billet : she was born next to Paris, she lives in Massy. She would likes to be a journalist, she want to succeed in her studies to succeed in life. She's serious student, likes to go with her friends. She has been to Corsica, "it's a very beautiful island " she said. She likes reading because if she doesn't like it, she wouldn't have chosen the literature section.

If she was alone on a desert island, she would put, in her bag, La Belle du Seigneur. It's romantic realistic book by Albert Cohen, the story takes place after the World War II. It's about a woman who is maried with a man who works with the UNO and the husband's boss falls in love with her and she leave her house and goes out with him but her love disappeares but thez must stay together and, to finish, to kill themselves.

Marie read just for the pleasure and when she read it, she had a lot of emotion because it remenber of past.

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