Sunday, October 9, 2011

"The Desert Island Book" by Victoire

Today, the interviwee of our famous radio "Desert Island Book" is Victoire.
She is a sixteen-year-old girl and she is a student in IND High-School.
She lives in BLR, and likes drawing, playing the piano, and listening the music.

Her sister, Marie, enjoys reading very much, and she tells her the stories of the books she liked.
Victoire prefers classic books by authors like Zola or Maupassant. But she doesn't really like fantasy book (except Harry Potter...).
She has chosen "Au bonheur des dames" by Zola, as her favourite book. In fact, she is interested by the 19th century and she found the story and characters particullary attractive.
She doesn't often read, but she likes analysing texts when she enjoyed the book.

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